It's not just golf!


     Unless you are a golfer you will never really understand how consuming this game can be to an individual who has gotten caught up in:
     Taking a ball 1.68 inches in diameter that weighs only 1.620 ounces and somehow seek to move it an average of 375 yards from atop a wooden or plastic tee in as few strokes as possible into a hole that is only 4.25 inches in diameter.
     It’s a game that will never be conquered, but also a game that challenges a man or women to keep chasing a dream to 
“Just do it” one more round.
     To those who look at us as golfers from afar, or who hear about our rounds after we get home, or over the phone, or through an e-mail, you normally hear about what is known as The Main Thing–The Final Score.
     However, those of us who pursue this sport have discovered and continue to discover each time we are involved in this game that our FINAL SCORE only tells a small part of the whole story.
     Golf is not just a game! Golf is not just something you go and do, like filling up the car or going to the grocery, and you never think about it again until the next time you have to do it. 1,000 times no!

  • For those of you who really love this game
  • For those of you who almost become different individuals or as my wife says, “hyper” on the days you get to go to the golf course
  • For those of you who have said to yourselves during or after a frustrating round of golf, “Why am I even out here?”
  • For those of you who have at times considered making the decision to just give up this game and go find something else to do when the ball just doesn’t go where you tell it to
  • For those of you who are determined not to let the yips, the shanks, the worm burners, the dreaded duck hooks and banana slices run you off the course
  • For those of you have humbly said at least one time in your life on the golf course, after making that one lucky putt, “Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then.”
  • For those who can identify with one or more of the statements that I just made, will you not agree with me that golf is not just a game?
    Golf affects your:
    • Life
    • Thinking
    • Well-being
    • Emotions
    • Family
    • Friendships
    • Integrity
    • Language
    • Time management
    • Actions and reactions
    • Example before others
    • Ability to deal with winning and losing
    • Walk with the Lord
    • Willingness to play by the rules or break the rules by making up your own rules
    • The way you perceive yourself-either as someone whom God loves regardless of your final score or as someone who always condemns yourself and thinks you have less worth to God and others because of your poor play

     While most see golf as something that is external, for the Christian man or woman who is involved in this sport, I want to take a moment and call us to focus on the INTERNAL and ETERNAL aspects of this game—Especially as it relates to the USCGA
     After 18 holes tomorrow morning, the 2009 season of USCGA will be in the history books.

  • When we look back over this year, what can we say we have GLEANED from our involvement within this organization?
  • What are you going to take with you into the remaining days of your life on this earth that you have gathered from these last six months? Let me list a few:

1. The value of relationships

  • The Lord used our passion for the game of golf to introduce us to each other and our extended families.
  • Every one of you in this room has had an impact on my life in some way.
  • Every one of you in this room has had an impact on the lives of others in USCGA.
  • Someone here in this room has been used by God in your life these last 6 months. They don’t know it, but I want to encourage you to tell them some time this weekend. Remember, “Dead noses smell no roses”
  • We have learned that we are FAMILY. We all have our little quirks and idiosyncrasies, but there is great love in this room for each other.

2. The value of exposing others to what a personal/daily relationship with Christ is all about

  • Every time we have an opportunity to gather as a group of golfers, we also have the opportunity to share with individuals how a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the true meaning of life-verbally, in our actions, and in our attitudes.
  • Be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within you.

3. The value of prayer

  • Situations have arisen this year that have called us to the FRONT LINE OF BATTLE for one another in prayer.
  • We have shared our victories, joys, sorrows, trials, births, and deaths.
  • We have learned & learning to be there for each other.

4. The value of iron sharpening iron (Prov. 27:17) You use iron to sharpen iron, and one friend sharpens another. 

  • Sharpening is done to make it more effective & efficient
  • We have learned from one another. Prayerfully, we have spurred each other on to be Godly men/women and to return to our families/communities/churches and have a greater impact as His followers.

5. The value of adversity

  • I have driven home after many a round of golf and played the IF ONLY game in my mind.
  • I have laid in bed at night after many a round of golf and played the IF ONLY game in my mind.
  • My IF ONLY MOMENTS always center around those times of adversity on the course where things did not go the way I had planned:
    • A Draw that turned into a Hook
    • A Fade that quickly became a Slice
    • A Chip that somehow turned into a Shank
    • Hitting it Fat
    • Coming over the top
    • Getting out of tempo/rhythm
    • Wondering what others thought about my swing, my set-up and my score
    • Letting my mind drift
    • These and many more are what have led to those times of adversity on the golf course.
  • Adversity introduces me to myself! So, have you. How are you supposed to face adversity? 
    • Adversity can cause us to stand or to stumble.
    • Adversity can lead us to maturity or to misery.
    • It all has to do with attitude!

6. The value that Godly men can have fun together

  • Many times, I have driven away from a tournament or a gathering time with you guys/gals this past year thinking to myself or saying to my wife “These people are normal.”
  • You cannot put a price tag on the camaraderie that brothers and sisters in Christ share together in a 
  • gathering such as this. 

7. The value that we have not been called to be perfect, but we have been called to make progress

  • Are you further along in your personal/intimate walk with Christ today that you were when the 2009 season of USCGA began back March 14th at Cherokee Valley?
  • Is there something the Lord has done in your life that you could share with this group tonight that would be a way of “glorifying Him” and “encouraging your brothers/sisters in Christ?”

     Please remember how the Lord has used the USCGA to bring about change in your life. I want you to know today that you are not here by accident!  Also, please remember that the Lord needs you and I to invite those out there we know who also love this game to come and be a part of a group of men and women passionate about the Lord Jesus Christ and who enjoy chasing down that little white ball in the game called “Golf.” 
     May the upcoming 2010 season of USCGA give us the opportunity to see the faces of many new individuals coming to be a part of this organization. May we also be blessed with the privilege of seeing lives changed by the power of the message of Jesus Christ. Whatever you do, remember, “It’s Not Just Golf!”


by Mark Howard, Pastor

Christ Community Church, Bells, TN