The Same God

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)


Has something stolen your April? For me, April has long been the month I most look forward to every year. Why? Can you say, “Final Four,” “The Masters,” “The USCGA Tour” and “Easter Sunday Service”? It’s just did not seem like April without them! Yes, all those familiar things in all those familiar places were missing this year. Our yesterday’s certainly are not the same as our todays.


I don’t mean to equate the struggles many are experiencing now with my own minor inconveniences. I am blessed. COVID-19 has impacted us all and hit some very hard.


But none of this surprises our God. He knew about the present pandemic before he created the world. He has a purpose. And if he does, I think we should, too.


As the author of Hebrews states, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Even as things might soon return to a more normal way of life, will you join me in spending more time with our unchanging Savior during these coming days, weeks, and months? If we do, we will be enriched by a closer relationship with our God and thus be better prepared to witness as we return to the game of golf and the game of life.


God bless & protect all of you and your families! Please share any prayer request with us.


Scott Young